Thursday, February 16, 2012

Interesting night

Tonight was interesting. A friend turned 21 today so several of us went out to celebrate in the traditional way, with a bar crawl. There are some bars in town that I really like, and then there are some I don't. My least favorite bar happens to be at the end of most people's crawl and usually people go in, get their shot, and leave as soon as possible. This place attempts to be a club (which I'm not a huge fan of anyway) and is full of obnoxiously drunk people dancing to loud, bad music and crowding around the bar. Of course tonight, my friend wanted to stay there for the rest of the night and since I was her designated driver, I stuck around too. The entire time I had Terminal Preppie by Dead Kennedys stuck in my head. I really wish I could have blared it on their PA system, but I doubt anyone would have realized what the song was about.

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